Thought of the Day : “Liberty without Learning is always in peril and Learning without Liberty is always in vain.” ? John F. Kennedy


Welcome to Army Public School - Tyakshi

It was realized that the children of locals in this sector were facing considerable hardships with regard to school facilities. Keeping this fact in mind, school for the children of locals was started at Tyakshi as Army Goodwill School with effect from 21 May 1998. The Army Goodwill School, Tyakshi is designed to be self sustaining based on the fees paid by the students, assistance received from J&K Govt and funds allotted under OP SADBHAVANA. The school is the first educational institution in Nubra valley imparting quality education among the students from both rich as well as poor families and this is the only institution to start crèche classes especially for the kids of working parents, who are unable to care for their kids during working hours.

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